Imhotep Fatiu
Founder of the Pan-Afrikan Liberation Movement (PLM)
Service Description
Baba Imhotep is the Founder and Minister-of-Operations of the Pan-Afrikan Liberation Movement (PLM). He is a Co-founder and Executive Director of the UrBan Youth Initiative Project (a non-profit youth organization working with youth ages 6-12). He is the founder of the African Awareness and Critical Thinking Study Class and the founder of the Race 1st Movement. He is also the founder of Ipet Isut: bookstore and cultural center. Baba Imhotep has over 25 years of experience in studying (and understanding) African History and culture. He is a Scientific Pan-Africanist, Community organizer, Social Transformer, lecturer, Educator, Mediator, Organizational Consultant, Relationship Consultant, Violence Interventionist Specialist, Author, and self-prescribed UrBan Philosopher. Lastly, Baba Imhotep has been successfully married to Mama Ife Fatiu for over 17 years. They have two children together (Nyame and Mujasi). Baba Imhotep is also the author of five books: UrBan Philosophy: Thought and Behavior System UrBan Philosophy: Politics of UrBan Struggle UrBan Philosophy: New African Revolutionary VanGuard African Manhood in the 21st Century Incarcerated: a glimpse into the poetic mind of an incarcerated Blackman Baba Imhotep is a native of Biltmore City and his lifelong mission is African Sovereignty.